Everything melts away. The feeling is so intense that for that moment of connection, your emotions cascade into overload. His gaze locks with yours. You watch as his eyes open wide, and linger, then travel to your lips and back.
His sensual, seductive, sultry glance melts your bones, weakens your knees and creates a "please rip off your clothes and have your way with me" response, as you gaze into eyes so beautiful you could get lost in them. Piercing, soulful, clear light eyes mesmerize and stop you in your tracks. His eyes slowly travel to your toes and back...

The clear, stunning eyes of model, Lionel Clerc, are what I imagine writers creatively try to lead our imaginations into feeling as much as seeing as they begin to make us fall-in-lust with their leading man at our first encounter with him.
While I get that the heavy-lidded, half-closed, squinty "bedroom eyes" look has it's place, in writing and in person, I find it less appealing (and a little suspect) than a wider-eyed, open gaze. An open eye connection can be much more bold, attractive, and reveal a knight-in-shining-armor type guy with nothing-to-hide appeal.
I love it when writers develop their characters so well that you can feel that look, feel that gaze and all your senses begin to tingle because you know what that look means.
It’s not my fault I fall for endless eyes, and I'm so happy when I discover a writer who knows most of us do.
Please comment and tell us a writer, a book, a character you've discovered that understands the part eyes play in attraction, seduction and the power of "endless eyes".

Photos: Google
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